Rebuilt 2900 at Williams Ridge.
One of two P5 Pacifics painted dark blue for the Bluefield Flyer, 2900 departs Williams Ridge in early April of 1945. She has just undergone a rebuilding in which she had added an elesco feedwater heater along with other modernizations. Although she was the lowest numbered P5 on the roster, she was at this point the most modern. The rebuilding and added modernizations raised her tractive effort from 46,892 lbs to 47,500 lbs.
A former Santa Fe 0-8-0 is seen switching the Terminus engine terminal in mid March of 1938.
One of two P5 Pacifics painted dark blue for the Bluefield Flyer, 2900 departs Williams Ridge in early April of 1945. She has just undergon...
A hard charging Berkshire with a southbound time freight arrives in terminus, pulling past Terminal Station on the Mountain Division Line. T...